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Case Study

Athyna Welcomes Nul: A Giant Step Towards Zero

December 15, 2021

A Giant Step Towards Zero

Something massive happened… Athyna acquired Nul!

Nul is an Australian-German startup on the mission to support business transformation to climate-neutral teams, by helping them to effortlessly offset the personal footprint of each individual employee.

We are facing the biggest challenge the world has ever lived, climate change is upon us. To prevent further damage to our future, we should aim to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This corresponds to reducing global annual CO₂ emissions from 40 gigatonnes per year currently...To net zero by 2050!

Sustainability reporting and carbon accounting are no longer just nice to have. Today customers, investors, employees, and regulators demand organisations to act sustainably, reduce carbon emissions, and make meaningful climate impact.

Acquiring Nul is for us a huge investment not only for our company but for the planet. We are pretty excited to share the news and we invite you to stand for impact, be a business that cares enough to do something about the biggest problem we face today.

Make your team proud & spread the word. It’s never too late to join the cause but we need to take action and fight the long-term impacts now!

Nul was acquired by Athyna in December 2021 in an all cash deal.

Typical US Salary
With Athyna
Bill Kerr

CEO of Athyna, i.e my whole team is smarter than me. Chronic utopian.

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