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Training and Development: Investing in Your Employees’ Future

August 30, 2023

Picture this: Over half of today's primary school students will be stepping into jobs that don’t even exist yet. Surprised? This isn't a peek into a distant future. It's our imminent reality. So, while you might associate on-the-job training with another Zoom session, the stakes are far higher. Training and development have transformed from mere perks to the lifeblood of career advancement in an ever-evolving landscape.

IBM's deep-dive research reveals that a skill acquired today will lose about half its relevance in just five years. It’s not just a random wave; it's a tidal shift in the job market. 

Plugging into continuous learning isn't a whimsical choice, it's basically future-proofing your career and business. Welcome to the era where learning never stops.

So what are the benefits of continuous training?

Skill Enhancement: In a world that's ever-evolving, resting on one's laurels is so last decade. Continuous training ensures you're not just ticking boxes but actually leveling up. Being equipped with the latest skills means you're not just riding the wave, but you're helping create it. By keeping up with industry standards and even pushing the boundaries, you're setting the pace rather than trying to catch up.

Employee Retention: Imagine throwing a party and everyone wants to stick around? That's what happens when you invest in your peeps. Continuous learning makes them feel seen, heard, and valued. And guess what? When they're vibing with the growth opportunities, they're more likely to stay. Investing in your team's growth isn't just good for them; it's brilliant for the business. Longer tenures mean a stable team, accumulated knowledge, and a cohesive culture.

Let’s talk about ROI – It's Not Just an Accountant's Lingo

You've probably heard about ROI (Return on Investment) being thrown around, especially if you've ever hung out with the finance folks. But when we chat about training, ROI isn’t just about money.

Brand Boost: Investing in your employees doesn’t just make them better – it makes your whole brand shine brighter. Think about it. A well-trained team is more efficient, more knowledgeable, and all-around more awesome. And the world notices. That kind of reputation is pure gold.

Staying Power: Let's get real. Training means people stick around longer. They feel valued, they grow, and they ain't in a hurry to jump ship. That means you're spending less time recruiting and training new hires.

Happy Clients, Happy Life: There's a pretty simple equation in business: knowledgeable employees = satisfied customers. When your team knows their stuff inside out, they deliver better, faster, and more consistent results. And our dear customers? They'll love you for it.

The Numbers Game: And yes, while we said it's not all about the cash, let's not pretend it isn't a sweet bonus. According to research made by Zippia, companies with comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee. These companies also experience 24% higher profit margins, which is the difference between making $50,000 in profits vs. $62,000. Businesses with engaged employees are 17% more productive than those without.

Still not convinced? Okay, check out these real-world examples:

Ever heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? Well, let's put that theory to the test. Instead of just chatting about the importance of continuous training.

Let’s take these two very successful companies and see how they’ve done it…


This company took an interesting spin on training. About 86% of their senior leaders felt the itch to connect and learn from the younger crew. So, they kicked off a reverse mentoring program – think fresh-faced employees giving senior leaders the lowdown on the future of work and new growth areas. But there’s more! They launched a solid diversity and inclusion program on a global scale. 

Pascale Thorre, the mastermind behind Inclusion, had heart-to-hearts with 45 colleagues to gauge the company’s inclusivity pulse. Their big picture? Design a program that vibes with everyone’s needs, drawing inspiration from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.


A couple of years back, Chipotle channeled a good chunk of their tax savings straight into their crew. When the world went sideways with the pandemic, they upped their game, rolling out over 5,500 courses on everything from business smarts to wellness. But they didn’t stop there. 

They set the stage with their initiative: United Network of Influencers Furthering Inclusion and Ethnic Diversity. Fancy name, right? But the aim's simple – to level the playing field for everyone.

Here’s a quick snapshot of their cool moves:

  • Mentorships, especially for their diverse talents.
  • Regular meet-ups promoting diversity and unity.
  • Epic virtual events with some big names sharing their wisdom.

A skilled workforce not only performs better but also feels valued, which boosts morale and loyalty. As per Zippia’s 2023 research, 45% of workers would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development.
A skilled workforce not only performs better but also feels valued, which boosts morale and loyalty. As per Zippia’s 2023 research, 45% of workers would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development.

Overcoming Common Hurdles

We get it – diving deep into the training waters can seem daunting, especially when you think of common roadblocks like cost, time, and resources. But, like any good myth-buster, let's shatter some misconceptions and give you the real tea. 

"Training is Too Expensive”

Reality Check: According to the Association for Talent Development, companies that invest in comprehensive training programs have a 24% higher profit margin than those that spend less on training. Look at it this way: upfront costs might make you wince, but the long-term returns? Stellar.

"What if We Train Them and They Leave?"

Reality Check: Here's a counter-question for you: What if you don't train them and they stay? A skilled workforce not only performs better but also feels valued, which boosts morale and loyalty. As per Zippia’s 2023 research, 45% of workers would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. So, the real risk is not in them leaving with new skills, but in them staying stagnant.

"We Don’t Have the Resources for Continuous Training"

Reality Check: There are boatloads of cost-effective online platforms and resources out there. Plus, many training programs can be scaled to fit a company's specific needs and size. Remember, training isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s about finding what fits your groove.

So there you have it. Don't let myths and misconceptions hold you back.

The ultimate goal of training is not just to impart knowledge but to foster an environment of continuous growth.

Now that we changed your mind… Take note of these tips to make training stick

Alright, let's dive into some of the best ways to ensure that all the time, effort, and resources you pump into training don't just go in one ear and out the other. We want that knowledge to cozy up and make a home in your employees' minds.

Onboarding, the First Step to Loyalty: It sets the tone, giving new hires a glimpse into your company's culture, values, and mission. A well-structured onboarding process not only equips employees with the tools they need to thrive but also makes them feel valued and integrated. By laying down a strong foundation from the get-go, you cultivate a sense of loyalty and commitment. Remember that super cool Onboarding Guide we posted a while back? It's not just a guide; it's your ticket to building long-lasting relationships with your team.

Regular Follow-ups: Having periodic check-ins after training sessions helps to cement the learning. It's like giving your brain a gentle nudge, saying, "Hey, remember this?" Maybe it's a quick quiz, a one-on-one chat, or a brief team discussion. The aim? Make sure those newfound skills and knowledge are being applied and retained.

Feedback Loops: Imagine training as software; it needs regular updates to stay relevant. And who better to point out the bugs than the users? In this case, your employees. After a training session, take the time to gather feedback. Did they find it useful? Was there something they wished had been covered? Maybe they've identified a gap you hadn't seen. Welcoming feedback not only helps you refine future training but also empowers employees, giving them a voice in their learning journey. Plus, it’s always a good sign when your team feels involved and valued.

Remember, the ultimate goal of training is not just to impart knowledge but to foster an environment of continuous growth. And these steps? They're all part of making that growth a natural part of your team's DNA.

In conclusion…

Alright, let's wrap this up! Investing in your crew isn't just about spending some cash on a few workshops or online courses. It’s about future-proofing your business, making sure you’ve got a team of rockstars who are up-to-date, engaged, and ready to tackle any curveball the industry might throw. It’s a win-win. They grow, you grow, and together, you create some epic work moments.

So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re just kickstarting your employee training journey or thinking about leveling it up, now’s the time. Remember, your team’s potential is endless, but it’s on you to tap into it. Dive in, invest, and watch the magic happen.

Overcoming Common Hurdles

We get it – diving deep into the training waters can seem daunting, especially when you think of common roadblocks like cost, time, and resources. But, like any good myth-buster, let's shatter some misconceptions and give you the real tea. 

"Training is Too Expensive”

Reality Check: According to the Association for Talent Development, companies that invest in comprehensive training programs have a 24% higher profit margin than those that spend less on training. Look at it this way: upfront costs might make you wince, but the long-term returns? Stellar.

"What if We Train Them and They Leave?"

Reality Check: Here's a counter-question for you: What if you don't train them and they stay? A skilled workforce not only performs better but also feels valued, which boosts morale and loyalty. As per Zippia’s 2023 research, 45% of workers would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. So, the real risk is not in them leaving with new skills, but in them staying stagnant.

"We Don’t Have the Resources for Continuous Training"

Reality Check: There are boatloads of cost-effective online platforms and resources out there. Plus, many training programs can be scaled to fit a company's specific needs and size. Remember, training isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s about finding what fits your groove.

So there you have it. Don't let myths and misconceptions hold you back.

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Celeste Bono

Content Creator & Media Producer. The official voice of Athyna.

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