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The Ultimate Guide to Essential Tools: Keeping Modern Remote Teams Productive and Connected

September 22, 2023

Gone are the days when a simple video call sufficed for remote teamwork. The toolkit for remote work is constantly evolving – are you keeping up?


The dynamics of remote teams have expanded beyond the walls of traditional workspaces, ushering in a need for fresh, avant-garde tools. Basic platforms are passΓ©; nowadays, innovative solutions aren't just niceties – they're essentials. This article will take you on a journey through the cutting-edge tools that are defining the future of remote collaboration.


The Evolution of Remote Work Tools


From the days when emails heralded a new era of digital communication, we've come a long way. The late 90s and early 2000s were dominated by the rise of Instant Messaging (IM) platforms like AIM and Yahoo Messenger. By the 2010s, cloud storage solutions, led by services like Dropbox and Google Drive, transformed the way we stored and shared work.Β 

The mid-2010s ushered in collaboration platforms such as Slack and Trello, evolving the dynamic of team communication and task management. Zoom, which debuted in 2013, became indispensable by the 2020s, especially with the sudden global pivot to remote work. With each leap, technology - which we already talked about in a previous article - continually reshapes the remote landscape, pushing boundaries and setting new standards for global collaboration.


Remote work relies heavily on seamless communication, ensuring teams feel as connected as if they were in the same room. As mainstream tools become common, many teams are exploring alternative platforms that offer unique features tailored to their needs:


Instant Messaging:


Mattermost: An open-source, self-hosted alternative to the likes of Slack. It's highly customizable, ensuring businesses can tailor it to their specific communication requirements.


Rocket.Chat: Another open-source platform offering real-time chat, Rocket. Chat stands out with its vast array of integrations and plugins.


Twist: From the creators of Todoist, Twist offers a more structured approach to team chats, focusing on threads to reduce real-time distractions and improve asynchronous communication.


Video Conferencing:


Jitsi Meet: A fully encrypted, open-source video conferencing solution, Jitsi allows for quick and easy setup without the need for accounts.


BlueJeans: Prioritizing enterprise-grade security, BlueJeans offers HD video calls with features like smart meetings and Dolby-powered audio.


Whereby: Designed with simplicity in mind, Whereby's browser-based video meetings require no downloads or logins, making it convenient for on-the-fly discussions.

Collaboration Spaces:


ClickUp: More than just a task manager, ClickUp offers docs, reminders, goals, and even an inbox to streamline your team's work.


Notion: A favorite for its versatility, Notion combines note-taking, task management, and collaboration in a sleek and user-friendly design.


Quip: Owned by Salesforce, Quip integrates spreadsheets, documents, and chat in one cohesive platform, making collaborative editing and decision-making easier.


Discovering the right tool for your team can make all the difference in efficiency, collaboration, and overall team morale.
Discovering the right tool for your team can make all the difference in efficiency, collaboration, and overall team morale.


Productivity Tools


In the digital landscape of remote work, having sharp tools at one's disposal can mean the difference between a day of accomplishment and one of endless virtual hurdles. Here's a curated list of productivity enhancers that might not be in every remote worker's toolkit but definitely should be:


Task Management:


Asana: Beyond simple to-do lists, Asana facilitates project visualization with boards, timelines, and even workload overviews. It's a favorite among teams aiming for clarity and collaboration in their projects.


Monday.com: A visually appealing platform, Monday.com shines with its color-coded boards and automation capabilities, ensuring repetitive tasks never eat into productive time.


JIRA: While it's the go-to for many software development teams, JIRA's agile project management tools, from scrum boards to sprint reports, can benefit teams across different domains.


Time Management:


Toggl: With a straightforward interface, Toggl allows for easy time tracking across tasks, giving insights into where time is being spent and where it's being wasted.


Harvest: Beyond simple time tracking, Harvest integrates invoicing and expense tracking, making it a comprehensive solution for freelancers and agencies alike.


RescueTime: Instead of just counting hours, RescueTime delves deep, offering insights into your digital habits, highlighting potential distractions, and suggesting productivity improvements.


Document Collaboration:


Google Workspace: While many know it for Docs and Sheets, Workspace offers an interconnected suite of apps that foster collaboration, from Forms for feedback to Sites for internal web creation.


Microsoft Office 365: A staple in the corporate world, its cloud solutions, like Teams and OneDrive, make document collaboration and sharing a breeze.


Notion: Reappearing from our previous list, Notion's strength lies in its ability to mesh documentation with tasks, databases, and more, providing a holistic workspace for teams.


Elevate the remote work experience by equipping your team with these robust tools, ensuring that distance never hampers productivity.


Remote Team Building and Engagement Platforms


Remote work doesn't mean remote relationships. Even in virtual workspaces, fostering a sense of camaraderie and appreciation is essential to keep teams motivated and connected. Navigating the often uncharted waters of remote team engagement, here are some tools that stand out:


Virtual Team Building:


Donut: Imagine a tool that encourages 'water cooler' moments virtually. Donut randomly pairs up team members for short, casual chats, helping to break departmental silos and kindle organic relationships.


TeamBonding: Bridging the physical gap, TeamBonding offers a myriad of virtual team-building events and activities, from virtual escape rooms to trivia contests, ensuring that the spirit of teamwork stays alive even across screens.


Employee Recognition:


Bonusly: Creating a culture of recognition, Bonusly allows peers to reward each other with points for significant achievements or even minor, yet meaningful actions. Over time, these points can be redeemed for tangible rewards.


15Five: More than just recognition, 15Five offers a platform for continuous performance management. Regular check-ins, objective tracking, and peer appreciation ensure that employees remain aligned, engaged, and acknowledged.


In the realm of remote work, these tools serve as the virtual equivalent of team outings and pat-on-the-back moments, ensuring that distance doesn't dilute the essence of team spirit.


Security and Privacy Tools


While the flexibility of remote work offers unparalleled advantages, it doesn’t come without its set of challenges. One of the most pressing concerns for remote teams today is ensuring data security and privacy. With cyber threats lurking at every corner, safeguarding company assets and sensitive information becomes paramount. Here’s a spotlight on some essential tools that help bolster the digital defenses of remote teams:


VPN Services:


NordVPN: A front-runner in the VPN realm, NordVPN offers double data encryption, ensuring that your team's online activities remain private. Their extensive server network also guarantees fast and secure connections from anywhere in the world.


ExpressVPN: Renowned for its lightning-fast speeds and robust encryption, ExpressVPN is a favorite among businesses that don't want to compromise on security or performance.


Password Managers:


LastPass: Forget the age-old practice of noting down passwords on sticky notes. LastPass securely stores and organizes passwords, ensuring that your team has access only to the tools they need and nothing more.


Dashlane: Beyond just password management, Dashlane offers dark web monitoring and breach alerts, making sure your team remains a step ahead of potential threats.


Data Encryption:


BitLocker: Exclusively designed for Windows, BitLocker offers drive encryption, ensuring that your data remains inaccessible to unauthorized users, even if they get their hands on the physical drive.


VeraCrypt: A successor to the legendary TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt offers enhanced security features, ensuring that files, documents, and entire drives are locked behind unyielding encryption walls.


Ensuring your team's digital safety is no longer a luxury but a necessity. And with tools like these, companies can confidently navigate the remote work landscape, knowing they're shielded from potential cyber threats.



Specialized Platforms for Specific Roles


The modern remote workspace is a cornucopia of tools tailored for specific roles. These

platforms are no longer mere utilities but catalysts that significantly boost efficiency, collaboration, and creativity. Let's delve into some game-changers that are defining how specialists in various fields operate remotely:




Figma: Revolutionizing the design world, Figma's cloud-based interface allows designers to collaborate in real time. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive toolset make it a top choice for design teams looking to brainstorm, prototype, and bring their visions to life without geographical constraints.


InVision: A platform that bridges the gap between design and development. With its interactive prototyping and digital whiteboarding capabilities, InVision fosters seamless collaboration and feedback collection, ensuring design intentions are perfectly translated into the final product.




GitHub: More than just a code repository, GitHub provides a collaborative platform where developers can review, manage, and track code changes, ensuring that teams are in sync and that software development progresses smoothly.


Bitbucket: Tailored for professional teams, Bitbucket integrates with other Atlassian products, offering Git code management, branch permissions, and in-line commenting, further streamlining the development process.




HubSpot: An all-in-one inbound marketing platform, HubSpot offers tools for SEO, content creation, email campaigns, and data analytics. Its unified dashboard provides marketers with a 360-degree view of their campaigns, helping to refine strategies and optimize outcomes.


Buffer: Simplifying social media management, Buffer allows marketers to schedule, publish, and analyze all their posts in one place, ensuring a consistent brand presence across various platforms.


Mailchimp: Beyond its renowned email marketing capabilities, Mailchimp has evolved into a multi-channel marketing platform, offering automation, analytics, and integrated ad campaigns to provide a holistic approach to digital outreach.


For remote teams, these specialized platforms are not just about task execution. They foster collaboration, elevate quality, and, most importantly, ensure that every team member, irrespective of their role, has the best tools at their fingertips.


Tips for Choosing the Right Tools for Your Remote Team

The digital toolbox for remote work is vast, and choosing the right instruments can seem like a Herculean task. But with the correct strategy, you can equip your team with tools that not only make remote work feasible but thrive in this environment.

Here's a streamlined approach:

Evaluate Based on Specific Needs:


Team Size: Tools designed for solo freelancers might not serve the needs of a team of fifty. Ensure the platform you're considering can comfortably accommodate your team's size without causing performance hitches.


Nature of Tasks: A tool's features should align with the kind of tasks your team undertakes. A complex project management tool might be overkill for a team that just needs to keep track of daily tasks.


Specific Requirements: Always keep in mind any unique requirements that your team might have. You may need robust encryption because you handle sensitive data, or multi-language support is crucial.


Seamless Integrations: In a remote setting, tool overload can quickly become an issue, leading to disjointed workflows and decreased productivity. It's pivotal to choose platforms that can easily integrate with each other. For instance, your task management tool should be able to talk to your communication platform, and your CRM should be able to pull data from your marketing software.


Scalability is Key: Startups and rapidly growing businesses, in particular, should consider how scalable a tool is. It might meet your needs today, but what about a year down the line when your team has doubled in size? Opt for tools that can grow with you, offering advanced features and increased capacities as your needs evolve.


User Experience and Training: No matter how feature-rich, a tool is only as good as its usability. Prioritize platforms that have an intuitive user interface. Additionally, consider the learning curve and whether the vendor offers comprehensive training resources.


Feedback and Iteration: The journey to find the right tools is ongoing. Regularly collect feedback from your team about the tools you're using. Are they helping or hindering? Be ready to iterate and switch if a tool isn't serving its purpose.


Ultimately, the goal isn't just to adopt the latest and greatest in tech but to find platforms that align with your team's ethos, workflows, and goals, ensuring a cohesive and productive remote work environment.


Final thoughts? Ok.


In the sprawling expanse of the digital age, our tools aren't just conveniences; they're catalysts. They can spell the difference between a remote team that merely functions and one that flourishes. As the world of remote work continues its meteoric evolution, being static isn't an option. We need to keep our fingers on the pulse, always ready to assess, adapt, and adopt new platforms that could give our teams that extra edge.


Communication is the lifeline of any remote team. It ensures we stay connected, aligned, and engaged. But equally vital are the tools that streamline our tasks, helping us maximize our days. The equilibrium between these two – communication and productivity – is the fulcrum on which successful remote work balances.


In closing, it's not about amassing a vast arsenal of digital tools but curating a select, strategic set that perfectly complements your team's dynamics and goals. As we navigate this brave new world of work, let's ensure our toolkits are not just modern but also modular, malleable, and meticulously tailored to our mission.



Productivity Tools


In the digital landscape of remote work, having sharp tools at one's disposal can mean the difference between a day of accomplishment and one of endless virtual hurdles. Here's a curated list of productivity enhancers that might not be in every remote worker's toolkit but definitely should be:


Task Management:


Asana: Beyond simple to-do lists, Asana facilitates project visualization with boards, timelines, and even workload overviews. It's a favorite among teams aiming for clarity and collaboration in their projects.


Monday.com: A visually appealing platform, Monday.com shines with its color-coded boards and automation capabilities, ensuring repetitive tasks never eat into productive time.


JIRA: While it's the go-to for many software development teams, JIRA's agile project management tools, from scrum boards to sprint reports, can benefit teams across different domains.


Time Management:


Toggl: With a straightforward interface, Toggl allows for easy time tracking across tasks, giving insights into where time is being spent and where it's being wasted.


Harvest: Beyond simple time tracking, Harvest integrates invoicing and expense tracking, making it a comprehensive solution for freelancers and agencies alike.


RescueTime: Instead of just counting hours, RescueTime delves deep, offering insights into your digital habits, highlighting potential distractions, and suggesting productivity improvements.


Document Collaboration:


Google Workspace: While many know it for Docs and Sheets, Workspace offers an interconnected suite of apps that foster collaboration, from Forms for feedback to Sites for internal web creation.


Microsoft Office 365: A staple in the corporate world, its cloud solutions, like Teams and OneDrive, make document collaboration and sharing a breeze.


Notion: Reappearing from our previous list, Notion's strength lies in its ability to mesh documentation with tasks, databases, and more, providing a holistic workspace for teams.


Elevate the remote work experience by equipping your team with these robust tools, ensuring that distance never hampers productivity.


Remote Team Building and Engagement Platforms


Remote work doesn't mean remote relationships. Even in virtual workspaces, fostering a sense of camaraderie and appreciation is essential to keep teams motivated and connected. Navigating the often uncharted waters of remote team engagement, here are some tools that stand out:


Virtual Team Building:


Donut: Imagine a tool that encourages 'water cooler' moments virtually. Donut randomly pairs up team members for short, casual chats, helping to break departmental silos and kindle organic relationships.


TeamBonding: Bridging the physical gap, TeamBonding offers a myriad of virtual team-building events and activities, from virtual escape rooms to trivia contests, ensuring that the spirit of teamwork stays alive even across screens.


Employee Recognition:


Bonusly: Creating a culture of recognition, Bonusly allows peers to reward each other with points for significant achievements or even minor, yet meaningful actions. Over time, these points can be redeemed for tangible rewards.


15Five: More than just recognition, 15Five offers a platform for continuous performance management. Regular check-ins, objective tracking, and peer appreciation ensure that employees remain aligned, engaged, and acknowledged.


In the realm of remote work, these tools serve as the virtual equivalent of team outings and pat-on-the-back moments, ensuring that distance doesn't dilute the essence of team spirit.


Security and Privacy Tools


While the flexibility of remote work offers unparalleled advantages, it doesn’t come without its set of challenges. One of the most pressing concerns for remote teams today is ensuring data security and privacy. With cyber threats lurking at every corner, safeguarding company assets and sensitive information becomes paramount. Here’s a spotlight on some essential tools that help bolster the digital defenses of remote teams:


VPN Services:


NordVPN: A front-runner in the VPN realm, NordVPN offers double data encryption, ensuring that your team's online activities remain private. Their extensive server network also guarantees fast and secure connections from anywhere in the world.


ExpressVPN: Renowned for its lightning-fast speeds and robust encryption, ExpressVPN is a favorite among businesses that don't want to compromise on security or performance.


Password Managers:


LastPass: Forget the age-old practice of noting down passwords on sticky notes. LastPass securely stores and organizes passwords, ensuring that your team has access only to the tools they need and nothing more.


Dashlane: Beyond just password management, Dashlane offers dark web monitoring and breach alerts, making sure your team remains a step ahead of potential threats.


Data Encryption:


BitLocker: Exclusively designed for Windows, BitLocker offers drive encryption, ensuring that your data remains inaccessible to unauthorized users, even if they get their hands on the physical drive.


VeraCrypt: A successor to the legendary TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt offers enhanced security features, ensuring that files, documents, and entire drives are locked behind unyielding encryption walls.


Ensuring your team's digital safety is no longer a luxury but a necessity. And with tools like these, companies can confidently navigate the remote work landscape, knowing they're shielded from potential cyber threats.



Specialized Platforms for Specific Roles


The modern remote workspace is a cornucopia of tools tailored for specific roles. These

platforms are no longer mere utilities but catalysts that significantly boost efficiency, collaboration, and creativity. Let's delve into some game-changers that are defining how specialists in various fields operate remotely:




Figma: Revolutionizing the design world, Figma's cloud-based interface allows designers to collaborate in real time. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive toolset make it a top choice for design teams looking to brainstorm, prototype, and bring their visions to life without geographical constraints.


InVision: A platform that bridges the gap between design and development. With its interactive prototyping and digital whiteboarding capabilities, InVision fosters seamless collaboration and feedback collection, ensuring design intentions are perfectly translated into the final product.




GitHub: More than just a code repository, GitHub provides a collaborative platform where developers can review, manage, and track code changes, ensuring that teams are in sync and that software development progresses smoothly.


Bitbucket: Tailored for professional teams, Bitbucket integrates with other Atlassian products, offering Git code management, branch permissions, and in-line commenting, further streamlining the development process.




HubSpot: An all-in-one inbound marketing platform, HubSpot offers tools for SEO, content creation, email campaigns, and data analytics. Its unified dashboard provides marketers with a 360-degree view of their campaigns, helping to refine strategies and optimize outcomes.


Buffer: Simplifying social media management, Buffer allows marketers to schedule, publish, and analyze all their posts in one place, ensuring a consistent brand presence across various platforms.


Mailchimp: Beyond its renowned email marketing capabilities, Mailchimp has evolved into a multi-channel marketing platform, offering automation, analytics, and integrated ad campaigns to provide a holistic approach to digital outreach.


For remote teams, these specialized platforms are not just about task execution. They foster collaboration, elevate quality, and, most importantly, ensure that every team member, irrespective of their role, has the best tools at their fingertips.


Tips for Choosing the Right Tools for Your Remote Team

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