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The Rise of Latin American Hiring Hubs: Trends, Expectations, and Opportunities

September 21, 2023

If you're not looking towards Latin America for your next hire, you're already behind. The global job market is not what it used to be. Gone are the days when talent was confined to specific continents or countries. Today, Latin America is not just knocking on the doors of the global talent market; it's bursting them open.

Of course, it’s not new that this vibrant region is full of diverse cultures and growing economies. It’s full of professionals and is quickly becoming the top hub for innovation, creativity, and passion, and companies worldwide are realizing the huge potential in Latin America. It's not all about its gorgeous landscapes and rich history.

Want to know more about it? Ok, cool. Join us as we explore the big change in hiring patterns. We'll uncover why Latin America is the rising star everyone's talking about, and we'll also be exploring how they’re setting these really cool, new standards in the global talent landscape.

Hugo Chávez from beyond telling it how it is.

Historical Context? Yes, please…

With its mosaic of cultures, languages, and histories, this region has always been a region of untapped potential. However, historically, its relationship with global businesses was marked more by the extraction of resources than the talent export.

Several factors, both internal and external, kept Latin America from taking center stage in the global talent arena. ‘Which ones’ you’re wondering? Ok, these:

Economic Instability: Traditionally, many Latin American countries faced economic challenges, including inflation, debt, and income disparities. These issues often overshadowed the potential for talent export.

Political Unrest: The 20th century saw a series of political upheavals. There were dictatorships and civil unrest in many parts of the region. These situations often hurt education, and they also kept international businesses from making long-term commitments.

Perception Challenges: Unfortunately, stereotypes and misconceptions often hide the region's rich skills and expertise. The narrative was often about problems, not potential.

Limited Access to Technology: While the world rushed to the digital age, parts of Latin America lagged behind. This was due to infrastructure and investment issues.

But, the 21st century has ushered in a wave of change. Latin America is breaking these old chains. It's reshaping its story and claiming its right place in the global talent market, and as we go deeper, we'll discover how this change happened. We'll also learn the causes of this shift.

Look at that perception… and this was in June 2020! Source: Biz Latin Hub Survey.

Historically, Latin America's global business relationship was marked by resource extraction. This was due to unstable economies and political unrest. There were also perception challenges and limited tech access. But today, the region is breaking these chains. It is emerging as a powerhouse of skilled professionals.
Historically, Latin America's global business relationship was marked by resource extraction. This was due to unstable economies and political unrest. There were also perception challenges and limited tech access. But today, the region is breaking these chains. It is emerging as a powerhouse of skilled professionals.

The Latin American Resurgence

As global dynamics shift, businesses are always on the lookout for the next big thing in talent hubs. Over recent years, that "next big thing" has steadily become Latin America. A mix of favorable conditions, skilled workforces, and undeniable cost benefits have made the region a hotspot for hiring.

Let's delve into what's driving this momentum:

Boom in the Tech Ecosystem: It's no news that the tech wave has made its mark globally. But what's fascinating is the emerging tech hubs in Latin America. Medellín was once known for its turbulent past. Now, it's getting attention for its growing tech scene. São Paulo and Buenos Aires emerge as prominent tech hubs. All of these cities are currently teeming with innovative startups and dynamic tech talents.

A Balance of Cost and Quality: North American and European companies come for the talent and the cost savings. Hiring from Latin America doesn't mean companies have to settle for less. In fact, they're discovering they can achieve more but at a fraction of the cost.

The Time Zone Sweet Spot: An underestimated advantage of Latin America? It's the region's time zone alignment with North American businesses. This makes workflows smoother and speeds up communication. It removes all the hiccups that teams often face when they are halfway across the world.

Marrying Cultures with Ease: Joining a global team brings hurdles from cultural differences. If you've tried, you know. But Latin America has a history and changing societal norms. They fit well with Western business values and consumer expectations. This ease transitions, minimizes misunderstandings, and speeds up processes.

Are you convinced now? Latin America is getting more attention and there's much excitement about its future.

No, guys! Don’t compete! You are both awesome… and Latin!

Latin America is becoming the next big thing in talent hubs. A booming tech scene drives this. It's had cost savings. It's got time zone alignment with North America. It fits Western business values.

Expectations from Latin American Talent

Expectations for Latin American talent are high today. The world connects with each other. Latin America meets these expectations and it often exceeds them in many key areas:

Language Skills: The professionals in the continent have really strong language skills. This is one of the first advantages they bring to the table. A report by the EF English Proficiency Index shows a surge in English skill, and obviously, this linguistic versatility can prove invaluable in global business settings.

Oh, don’t believe us? Check out these stats…

In Latin America, Argentina ranks the highest for English proficiency. It showcases a strong emphasis on English education. According to the EF EPI, it sits within the 'High Proficiency' bracket.

Costa Rica has made big strides in its English programs. This puts it in the 'Moderate Proficiency' tier. It's considered one of the top English-speaking countries in Central America.

Brazil's official language is Portuguese. However, it places a strong emphasis on English. This is especially true in cities. This has placed the country in the 'Low Proficiency' bracket. But, it's showing consistent improvement year over year.

Another country that's made noteworthy progress in English proficiency? Chile. Like Argentina, often falls into the 'High Proficiency' or 'Moderate Proficiency' categories. This makes it a promising hub for bilingual talent.

Mexico is close to the U.S. and has strong business ties. It has focused a lot on teaching English. The country generally ranks in the 'Moderate Proficiency' bracket.

The trend is clear. Latin America recognizes English as a vital tool in global commerce. It is investing in education to keep its workforce competitive.

Hello, Argentina… Do you have high proficiency in English? Yes.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Latin America's complex economic and political shifts have bred a resilient workforce. They're adaptable and flexible. They can adapt to change and challenges. This ability is a testament to the region's history of overcoming hardships.

Specialized Skills: Latin America isn't about adaptability. It's about excellence in many areas. The talent here is diverse and top-notch. It spans from software development and design to customer service, marketing, and sales. Our talent pool at Athyna reflects this diversity. It has many professionals in marketing and sales. They show the region's skill in these fields.

Check them out…

Design: Latin American designers are increasingly making a mark in global forums, bringing a unique blend of traditional aesthetics and contemporary design principles.

Customer Service: With inherent warmth and excellent language skills, many professionals excel in customer-facing roles, ensuring clients and customers feel valued and understood.

Marketing: Latin America's burgeoning internet population has given rise to a new generation of digital marketers who understand both local nuances and global trends. They're adept at leveraging various platforms to drive engagement and conversion.

Sales: The region has produced numerous sales professionals who combine sharp business acumen with interpersonal skills. These talents are adept at navigating both local markets and international terrains, making them invaluable assets to global firms.

The expectations are clear and the Latin American talent is here to meet them. They'll showcase top-notch skills, and these skills? They align with the contemporary international business environment.

Latin America has a diverse tech talent pool. It also has significant ICT market revenue and strong global innovation rankings. These qualities make it a prime destination for businesses. They seek top-notch IT professionals and innovative solutions.
Biggest tech markets in LatAm. Source: N-iX.

Opportunities for Businesses

Latin America is alluring in the global hiring landscape, not due to trends. It's about real opportunities that businesses of any size can use. Let’s delve into these avenues that make the region so compelling:

Access to Untapped Talent: Beyond the known tech hubs and cities, there's lots of talent all over the region. Tapping into this talent helps businesses add new perspectives. It also aids in fostering innovation. Discovering neglected assets unlocks a company's dormant capabilities.

Remote Work Revolution: Cities like Medellín, Buenos Aires, and Santiago have high-speed internet comparable to that of North American cities and the adaptability of the Latin American workforce pairs with it. It makes the region attractive for companies. They are seeking to establish remote teams. Plus, there's the added advantage of time zone alignment with North American businesses like we mentioned before.

Strengthening Business Networks: As businesses venture into Latin American markets, there’s a golden opportunity to cultivate robust business networks. Establishing ties in the region doesn't just facilitate hiring—it can lead to partnerships, collaborations, and market expansion.

The USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) is in the north. Mercosur is in the south, and both have already encouraged economic cooperation. And, to be honest? Using this system can create a more joined, richer, and tougher business network in the Americas.

Hard Work and Dedication in Latin America

An analysis by Latinometrics shows that Latin American countries work harder. They work harder than OECD nations. Countries like Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Chile top the list. They've got the most average hours worked per year.

And let’s don’t for get to mention the impressive work ethic showing the dedication and resilience of the region’s workers. It highlights why the region is becoming a hotspot for global talent.

Look at these hardworkers. All latin… duh’.

Challenges and Considerations

The journey into Latin American talent is not without its challenges. But, we can surmount these hurdles with foresight and understanding. And frankly, they’re not a big deal:

Employment Laws and Regulations: Each Latin American country has its distinct set of employment laws. From contracts to benefits, the landscape can differ widely. Businesses looking to hire from this region should be diligent in understanding these legal nuances. Partnering with local HR experts or legal consultants can pave a smoother path.

Connectivity Concerns: Major urban hubs in Latin America have strong internet. No worries there. But, some remote areas might still face occasional issues. The solution lies in open communication. By setting clear expectations about work hours and availability. Perhaps, they can invest in backup internet.

Cultural Nuances: Cultural misunderstandings can sometimes lead to miscommunication. It's vital for companies to invest time in cross-cultural training sessions. These sessions can bridge gaps. They deepen understanding of diverse work ethics, communication styles, and professional norms.

But the benefits far outweigh the challenges. With the right plans, businesses can tap into a vibrant talent pool. It's skilled and eager to propel them to greater heights.

Businesses can unlock Latin American talent's full potential and drive successful, innovative collaborations. They do this by knowing local employment laws. They also invest in reliable connectivity and embrace cultural diversity.


The world of global hiring is always changing. In this landscape, Latin America has emerged as a top contender. It's got a reservoir of multilingual, adaptable, and specialized talent. This talent revolutionizes international business narratives. Technological hubs are blossoming from Buenos Aires to São Paulo and Medellín. The region shows endless potential outside traditional boundaries. Trust us on this one.

For forward-looking businesses, the message is clear. The wave of Latin American talent is coming. It's already here. This is the era of Latin American talent, and companies that harness it will not keep pace with the competition, but lead the charge.

The Latin American Resurgence

As global dynamics shift, businesses are always on the lookout for the next big thing in talent hubs. Over recent years, that "next big thing" has steadily become Latin America. A mix of favorable conditions, skilled workforces, and undeniable cost benefits have made the region a hotspot for hiring.

Let's delve into what's driving this momentum:

Boom in the Tech Ecosystem: It's no news that the tech wave has made its mark globally. But what's fascinating is the emerging tech hubs in Latin America. Medellín was once known for its turbulent past. Now, it's getting attention for its growing tech scene. São Paulo and Buenos Aires emerge as prominent tech hubs. All of these cities are currently teeming with innovative startups and dynamic tech talents.

A Balance of Cost and Quality: North American and European companies come for the talent and the cost savings. Hiring from Latin America doesn't mean companies have to settle for less. In fact, they're discovering they can achieve more but at a fraction of the cost.

The Time Zone Sweet Spot: An underestimated advantage of Latin America? It's the region's time zone alignment with North American businesses. This makes workflows smoother and speeds up communication. It removes all the hiccups that teams often face when they are halfway across the world.

Marrying Cultures with Ease: Joining a global team brings hurdles from cultural differences. If you've tried, you know. But Latin America has a history and changing societal norms. They fit well with Western business values and consumer expectations. This ease transitions, minimizes misunderstandings, and speeds up processes.

Are you convinced now? Latin America is getting more attention and there's much excitement about its future.

No, guys! Don’t compete! You are both awesome… and Latin!

Typical US Salary
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Celeste Bono

Content Creator & Media Producer. The official voice of Athyna.

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