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Case Study

Global teams: How remote work increases productivity

October 26, 2023

As the digital landscape expands, so does the trend of global teams taking center stage in the remote work arena. This paradigm shift leads to an intriguing question: Are global teams genuinely clocking in more productivity? Well, you gotta keep reading to find out…


This trend highlights the flexibility and autonomy that modern workplaces are embracing, which brings us to the crux of our discussion: how remote work and global teams are redefining productivity in the digital age.


This paradigm shift leads to an intriguing question: Are global teams genuinely clocking in more productivity? Well, you gotta keep reading to find out…


Is “coffee badging” really a thing? / Source: FlexOS, Owl Labs.



Time Zone Magic

Global teams' unique strength comes from their spread across various time zones. This distribution can help a “follow-the-sun” workflow. It ensures that as one team member signs off, another clocks in. This creates an almost continuous work cycle and speeds up project timelines.


This continuous workflow can significantly reduce project completion times and enhance responsiveness.


The 'follow-the-sun' model allows our projects to progress around the clock. It cuts turnaround times and boosts efficiency.
The 'follow-the-sun' model allows our projects to progress around the clock. It cuts turnaround times and boosts efficiency.

Diverse Skillsets

Teammates have diverse skill sets. They come from different corners of the globe and companies gain access to a rich tapestry of talents and experiences. This diversity can lead to new ideas and views. They make work better. Diverse teams are more creative. They are also better at problem-solving. This is because of their varied backgrounds and perspectives.


Source: FlexOS, Owl Labs.


Autonomy and Trust

Autonomy requires trust, and as remote work relies on independent decision-making, employers can empower their employees with control over their schedules. This often boosts motivation and brings a sense of ownership, and as a result, higher productivity. A study by Owl Labs found that 79% of workers feel happier with their jobs when they can work from home.


Reduced Office Politics

Distance can be a blessing. Outside the traditional office, many common dramas and distractions vanish, allowing employees to maintain a sharp focus on their tasks. The absence of physical presence reduces office politics, fostering a more professional and productive environment.



Access to a Larger Talent Pool

Remote hiring makes geographical boundaries irrelevant, allowing companies to find the best fit for a role, no matter where they are. Take us, for example. At Athyna, we break down these barriers by operating as a fully remote company. Our remote work model attracts a diverse workforce, including top talent who might not be able to relocate due to personal or financial reasons.




You can hire from anywhere. This means you can find the best, best, best talent for the job, no matter where they are.


Remote work brings about tangible financial savings—no office leases, reduced utility bills, and fewer overhead costs. Companies can redirect these funds towards tools, training, and resources that directly amplify productivity.


Nope. Not coming back to the office. / Source: FlexOS, Owl Labs.


Tools and Tech

The digital age offers a plethora of tools designed to bridge the miles between global team members. From platforms like Zoom for seamless video conferencing to collaboration hubs like Slack or Trello, the technological arsenal available today ensures smooth and efficient workflows. Want to know more about these tools? Read our Ultimate Guide on Essential Tools.


Health and Wellbeing

A well-balanced work-life equation often lies at the heart of remote work policies. This balance, coupled with the elimination of daily commutes, tends to foster happier and healthier employees, who, in turn, are generally more productive. A report by Amerisleep has shown that nearly 80% of remote workers in a U.S. study described their average stress level during the workweek as either “not stressed” or only “moderately stressed”.


Embracing Global Teams

Working with global teams offers incredible opportunities for innovation and growth, and by using proactive strategies, fostering open communication, and leveraging the right tools, potential obstacles can become strengths. Establishing clear communication channels, embracing cultural diversity, and ensuring robust technology and compliance can help your global teams not only overcome challenges but thrive. Take it from us. We are all global.


This will be your brain when you realize this is all true.


Strategies for Managing Global Remote Teams

To ensure the success of global remote teams, consider implementing the following strategies:


Establish Clear Communication Channels: Use tools like Zoom, Slack, and Trello to keep everyone connected. Schedule regular meetings considering different time zones and send agendas in advance.


Embrace Cultural Awareness: Provide training sessions to foster cultural appreciation and inclusiveness. Recognize and respect different cultural holidays and work practices.


Encourage Collaboration and Teamwork: Foster a sense of belonging by involving team members in crafting mission statements and goals. Regular collaboration boosts engagement and productivity.


Ensure Compliance and Security: Regularly check your security and compliance measures. Understand and adhere to labor laws, benefits, and leave policies in different countries.


Promote a Positive Work Culture: Create an environment that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. Ensure employees feel heard and valued, which enhances retention and job satisfaction.


Implementing strategies such as establishing clear communication channels, embracing cultural awareness, encouraging collaboration, ensuring compliance and security, and promoting a positive work culture are key to the success of global remote teams

So there you have it! Having global teams working remotely is a game-changer for productivity and innovation. The benefits—when harnessed correctly—are transformative, enabling companies to tap into a diverse talent pool, foster creativity, and achieve seamless collaboration.

Diverse Skillsets

Teammates have diverse skill sets. They come from different corners of the globe and companies gain access to a rich tapestry of talents and experiences. This diversity can lead to new ideas and views. They make work better. Diverse teams are more creative. They are also better at problem-solving. This is because of their varied backgrounds and perspectives.


Source: FlexOS, Owl Labs.


Autonomy and Trust

Autonomy requires trust, and as remote work relies on independent decision-making, employers can empower their employees with control over their schedules. This often boosts motivation and brings a sense of ownership, and as a result, higher productivity. A study by Owl Labs found that 79% of workers feel happier with their jobs when they can work from home.


Reduced Office Politics

Distance can be a blessing. Outside the traditional office, many common dramas and distractions vanish, allowing employees to maintain a sharp focus on their tasks. The absence of physical presence reduces office politics, fostering a more professional and productive environment.



Access to a Larger Talent Pool

Remote hiring makes geographical boundaries irrelevant, allowing companies to find the best fit for a role, no matter where they are. Take us, for example. At Athyna, we break down these barriers by operating as a fully remote company. Our remote work model attracts a diverse workforce, including top talent who might not be able to relocate due to personal or financial reasons.




Typical US Salary
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Celeste Bono

Content Creator & Media Producer. The official voice of Athyna.

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